Learning Modules
Learning Objective
Understand the process of identifying ELLs, including the use of the home language survey and English proficiency assessment
Module Introduction
This section of the online training module provides an overview of English language learners (ELLs), including the population breakdown by language, and the process for identifying them within the school district. Identifying ELLs is an important first step in ensuring the appropriate services and support are provided. By the end of this section, you will have a better understanding of the steps involved in the identification process.
Learning Objectives
Understand the purpose and importance of the WIDA assessment for ESL student classification and annual progress monitoring.
Read and interpret WIDA access scores.
Identify the five proficiency levels of the WIDA standards.
Module Introduction
This module explores the WIDA assessment and how it is used to identify and monitor English language proficiency. The WIDA access test is used to determine the English language proficiency of all classified students. By the end of this section, you will have a better understanding of how to use WIDA data to make informed instructional decisions and tailor instruction to best meet the needs of ESL students.
The following slides provide information on how to explore the information contained in the Language Proficiency Level tabs located on the navigation bar. You will learn about what information is provided within each subpage.
Please take a moment to complete a brief survey about your learning experience.